The MonDak Area Stockgrowers will offer up to $3000 in college scholarships to students in Dawson,
Richland, Wibaux, or Roosevelt County, MT; Golden Valley, McKenzie, or Williams County, ND.
Applicants may be 2025 high school graduates or past graduates currently enrolled in college.
Preference will be given for 2 - $1000 scholarships (one high school graduate and one current college
student) and 2-$500 scholarships (one high school graduate and one current college student). Students
are eligible to receive the scholarship once at the high school level and once at the college level.


Please find attached the MonDak Area Stockgrowers Scholarship application. We ask that you please share this with your 2025 high school graduates or past graduates. Applications are due by April 15, 2025. They must be postmarked by April 15th and sent to:


MonDak Area Stockgrowers

Attn: Marley Voll

1499 N Central Ave

Sidney, MT 59270


They can also be emailed to this address ( by April 15, 2025.


Thank you,


Marley Voll


MonDak Area Stockgrowers Association